Τετάρτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Keep Competitors from Stealing Your Customers

List building is one of the things that you have to do early so more people will get to know your new and emerging business. As your list grows, more people will be keeping an eye on your progress and that allows you to introduce newer things with ease. However, having a large list alone does not always solidify your position in whatever niche market you are in. Don’t forget that there are competitors that have to build their lists too leading to the possibilities of these companies stealing customers from you.

It is even worse if these companies are aware of your company’s existence and will go as far as playing hard ball by offering people in your list a much better deal. Offering competing products at a lower price is a common practice that still goes on in high level competition. You can fight back by taking these steps to convince customers in your list to stay put.

Building your company reputation through your most loyal customers is a good start. Convince these people to make testimonials for your website so others will realize that there are real people supporting your model. If that sounds too much of a direct request, simply ask encourage these loyal customers to make feedback of any kind and then ask them later on if you can put any positive comments in a “Testimonials” section. Stealing customers are less likely to occur because most customers will always stick to areas that other people are satisfied with.

Those people that get into the art of stealing customers by lowering the price isn’t a very good strategy for the long term. You are pretty much lowering the standard of what you have to offer. It is better to give a reasonable value to the things that you are offering. You might not be offering the cheapest products and services to consumers, but you can show that you have more value for what they are paying for.

When adding value, it should be something that your customers will really care about. Randomly adding extras here and there may give your customers the impression that you are desperate to keep people on board. If you are not sure if whatever you are adding is valuable to them, do some research based on your company’s history and check out other competitors as well.

Customers won’t flee to another brand or offering if they feel right at home with your own program or website. By rewarding these customers for their loyalty, you keep your existing customer base happy and that may encourage more testimonials and more spreading of the word that you really care about the people you deal with. For instance, you can reward people that make multiple purchases by offering discounts or early access to new products.

Stealing customers may sound like an unethical practice but it is part of the business world. This means that you can actually steal customers as a result if you follow these steps. This will put the pressure on your competitors where they have to follow these steps and it is your responsibility to make sure you are a step ahead.

David Steel

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