Παρασκευή 20 Απριλίου 2012

Social Media Strategy .Meet your customers where they are online

Using social media in B2B and B2C marketing requires a strong commitment to a strategic plan, a team approach, and use of analytic tools to measure progress. Social marketing campaigns are rarely an overnight success. Marketers must focus social marketing efforts on building trust, credibility and authentic engagement over a sustained period of time.
Social media is a key aspect of any digital marketing strategy. To get desired results, a social marketing strategy  requires engagement with your targeted audiences and alignment with your business objectives. Your digital marketing channels must integrate strategically into your overall marketing plans.

Social Marketing Requires Planning

Find and Convert delivers social marketing strategies that help clients better engage with their audience.

Social marketing entails identifying the desired target audiences and engaging them through social media in authentic ways. It is most effective when the strategy is methodically planned and staffed to include:

Social Marketing Takes Team Effort

An effective social marketing strategy requires a team approach. It starts with your business objectives. It continues with your content, listening and engagement. Your team needs to knowledgeable about your products and authentic in their online engagement with your community.

Know Your Objective

You can achieve desired social marketing results across multiple social media channels with campaigns that align with your business goals and leverage relevant content.

Integrate Your Marketing Strategies

Social marketing isn’t about applying yesterday’s marketing strategy to social media. Social marketing is about meeting your target audience where they are online in social channels. It may include blog content engagement, social networking and mobile marketing. It may utilize popular social channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube. The mix of these social channels in your social marketing strategy will depend on your content and engagement strategy. Learn more about integrating marketing plans.

Track and Measure Your Results

Measuring the results of your social marketing strategies is important to understand what’s contributing toward the achievement of your strategic goals. We use Internet marketing and social monitoring tools to measure key performance indicators including:
  • Leads from specific calls-to-action
  • Social marketing reach
  • Social marketing engagement
  • Social marketing sentiment
  • Brand reputation
  • Growth of community (fans and followers)
  • Influence of members of your community
  • Social sharing of your content
  • Subscribers to your content
  • Closed loop marketing from prospect to customer via CRM integration
  • Learn much more about measuring online results.
Using social media in B2B and B2C marketing requires a strong commitment to a strategic plan, a team approach, and use of social media analytic tools to measure progress.
Social marketing campaigns are rarely an overnight success. Some of the viral stories that get mainstream attention are entertaining, but rare and usually pertain to a consumer product with mass appeal. Marketers must focus social marketing efforts on building trust, credibility and authentic engagement over a sustained period of time. B2B and B2C communities have no tolerance for fluff and sales tactics in social media. Successful marketers produce great content and engage their community socially with proper use of calls-to-action to build relationships and nurture those relationships in relevant manners into viable sales opportunities.


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