Focus on providing interesting content
One of the biggest mistakes that many businesses make on Facebook is to push the customers too hard, and this is something you have to avoid before you even start a marketing campaign on Facebook. Remember that Facebook is not a place for you to aggressively market your products. It is a platform for you to bring people closer to you and your products. People do not log on to Facebook in order to be bombarded with advertisements.
They log on to communicate with people and discover new, interesting stuff each time they check their news feeds and their favorite pages. This is why you have to focus on providing that relevant and interesting content instead of trying too hard to sell your products. Somebody will be more likely to “like” and follow your Facebook page if it has funny quotes and experiences about Product X than if it were plastered with blatant and boring advertisements about the said Product X.
Plan out on how you can provide this content in an attractive and interesting manner from the very beginning, and people will actively participate in your Facebook page instead of just leaving it to rot – like how so many other “liked” pages end up after some time.
Give people a reason to “like” your Facebook page
One of the first things you need to do is make people voluntarily subscribe to your page, which is known as “liking” on Facebook. People first have to be aware of your Facebook page before they can start viewing the content in it. This is why it is important that you focus on an attractive profile picture, relevant company background, regular status updates and a lot of practical information on your page’s profile.
While an attractive profile will pique people’s curiosity, providing an immediate benefit or reward is one of the most effective ways to get them to “like” your Facebook page. A one-time discount, a trial period for your services, a freebie that can be claimed when buying your products – these are but a handful of viable rewards for somebody to “like” your Facebook page. Just avoid making rewards the only reason for people to “like” your Facebook page. All those rewards would be a waste of money if you do not actually provide a reason for people to keep on viewing your Facebook page – much less go to your website.
Create a network of relevant “Fan Pages”
Another way you can get more people to “like” your Facebook page is to build a network of fan pages. These fan pages should revolve around concepts related to your own products and services. For example, an entrepreneur that sells custom made chocolates could create fan pages like “Weird and Wacky Chocolates”, “Creative Valentine’s Day Chocolates” or “Chocoholics Anonymous.” Be creative with the fan pages you come up with, and you should come up with similar if not more interesting concepts as well.
The goal here is twofold: to get an idea of who your potential clients are and to get them together in one place. Not only will you gain an understanding of the demographic you work with, but you will also have the opportunity to subtly plug in your own Facebook page now and again.
Just remember the golden rule of social media marketing: do not push your products and services too aggressively. Just leave a link on the main information page and provide relevant content on a regular basis. This should be enough to bring people to your page without getting turned off by the excessive marketing.
Encourage sharing and re-posting
One powerful marketing feature of Facebook is the ability of users to share pages that they like. This is something that you should encourage people to do, especially since doing so will allow you to tap into the social networks of your followers. Relevant and interesting content is one of the most useful ways to do this, although the specific that will most likely be shared will depend on the personality of your followers. Bored young teens will prefer content that is fun and interesting, while older professionals may be keener on sharing useful and work-related content instead.
This is why it is important for you to narrow down and work with your demographic. The more you understand the people you are selling your products and services to, the more effective your Facebook marketing campaign will be. After all, social media is about communicating and sharing interesting content to one another.
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