Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα blogging. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα blogging. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τετάρτη 4 Ιουλίου 2012

15 Free Ways to Increase Blog Traffic

Get More Blog Traffic for Free

Generating traffic is the lifeblood of your online business. Without sufficient traffic your site and blog will never accomplish their purpose. And while there are numerous pay options to generate traffic, there are an equal number of effective and free tools and approaches. Here are some great traffic generators:

1. Free Traffic Source: Forum Marketing

Τρίτη 3 Ιουλίου 2012

Separate Your Blog Needs from Your Blog Wants

We’re always told in life that we should distinguish between those things we “want” and those things we “need.” The general idea of this is that we need to prioritise the things we do and things we buy according to their necessity.

Generally speaking, this is a pretty sound piece of advice—it ensures we don’t end up sitting on a mountain of chocolate when we have no toilet paper, for example. It ensures we have a roof over our heads before we go out and buy a two-seater soft-top. It ensures we don’t head off on our holidays before we’ve turned off all the lights, switched off the fridge, and put the cats in the cattery.

Πέμπτη 28 Ιουνίου 2012

How To Find Your Blogging Sweet Spot (And Start Focusing On Success)

Would you like to make money from your blog through sales, use your online presence as a platform for speaking, or become a thought leader in your field?

If so, you must put something into practice.

Okay, genius, what is this choice ingredient you speak of?

It’s stone, cold simple really. You need to help people.

Σάββατο 23 Ιουνίου 2012

How To Keep New Content Flowing On To Your Blog

As all bloggers know, the initial setting up of the website is just the beginning. Unlike static websites where information remains the same for many months at a time, blogs (especially newly established blogs) need to be updated frequently to remain or start ranking in search engines. Chances are, most of us who run blogs to make money have more than one project on our hands, and therefore, may not have time to update it daily.

Wake Up Early

Δευτέρα 18 Ιουνίου 2012

Keep blogging even when you hate it

There’s no reason to ever let your blog go fallow. Unlike leaving farmland unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation, there’s no benefit in ignoring your blog.

To be honest, it really doesn’t matter what you do to keep your blog running on a daily basis, but it’s essential that you don’t allow your blog to be categorized as “archived” by search engines, to say nothing of being forgotten by your readers.

First, I will address why keeping your blog updated is essential to search engines and how fickle Google is.

Κυριακή 17 Ιουνίου 2012

Can You Profit From Your Blogging Skills?

Blogging is a very satisfying activity and can reward you in many different ways; finding new friends, voicing your opinion, help your business to customer communications, help you promote your business, and the list goes on and on. One reward that many bloggers crave is profit but truly monetizing a blog can be a tough task for most people. So what’s a blogger to do for money? Well, we’re here to help so read on…

Important Strategies For Creating Video Blogs — Three Proven Tactics Revealed

Video blogs can really be made into the kind of site that your audi­ence will grow to love. But you must do them prop­erly even though you have a lot of wig­gle room with them. We mean flex­i­bil­ity and cre­ativ­ity when we use the word “wig­gle room”. Cre­at­ing great videos means that you have to use solid mar­ket­ing prin­ci­ples when cre­at­ing the actual con­tent for the video itself. Your goal is to pro­vide con­tent in your videos that your audi­ence will absolutely love. More than ever, peo­ple are mis­in­ter­pret­ing the fact that just because it is a video, the con­tent is not that impor­tant. As a gen­eral rule, videos can be full of great con­tent, some­times even more so than an arti­cle on the web. Now let’s look at some great ways to cre­ate valu­able video blogs for your vlog — let’s begin!

Τετάρτη 13 Ιουνίου 2012

How Business Blogs Fit in with Social Media

All the stuff you can do to market your business is pretty overwhelming, even on a good day. You hear people making noises about blogs, about social media, about search and many other marketing channels.

How exactly does a blog fit into the big marketing picture? If you knew the answer to that, you could make decisions with more confidence, and that counts for a lot because better decisions means better money.

To see how blogs fit into the larger landscape, let’s forget about them for a moment and take a look at all the other channels a business can use online to market itself.

Κυριακή 10 Ιουνίου 2012

13 Tips to Find Time to Blog

How to Make Time to Blog

“How do you find time to blog?” is a question I’m often asked. For me, the answer is simple. I practice writing regularly. For you, the answer may be different.

Understand that every blogger starts blogging like they’re on fire. Their posts just seem to pour out of them and onto the computer screen effortlessly. Sound familiar?

When you first begin blogging, your initial passion drives you forward. Additionally, you’ve got a wealth of ideas and information you haven’t committed to this medium yet so every subject is fresh to you. You don’t need to search for blog topics. They just bubble out of your. Further the excitement of starting a new blog pushes you to crank out more articles and participate in the social media ecosystem.

Παρασκευή 8 Ιουνίου 2012

How To Evaluate A Website To Maximize Your Potential

One of the most important things you can do as a blogger is learning how to evaluate a website to maximize it’s potential. Evaluating your progress is something that every business needs to be able to do, yet many of the people that I see on a regular basis never do. As a blogger, you also need to be able to measure that evaluation. Sadly, many bloggers don’t have any way to measure where they stand because they haven’t clearly defined any goals for their blog.

Start Setting Goals For Everything

how to evaluate a websiteBlogging without any goals is kind of like jumping in the car to go on a roadtrip without a destination or even a roadmap. You would get lost pretty quickly if you just jumped in the car and took off after browsing some blogs on traveling, yet this is how most people go off into running a blog.

How to Instantly Capture the Attention of Web Surfers With ADD

Before we dive into specific strategies on how to steal your audience’s attention, there’s something I want to stress. Something that’s CRITICAL to your success.

You see, most entrepreneurs never take the time to lay a rock-solid foundation for their business. They go straight for the tactics without ever getting the big stuff under control.

Huge mistake.

As I’ve said already, the blogosphere is incredibly competitive…and it’s only getting worse. Every day thousands of people hop on the (already jam-packed) blogging bandwagon in search of freedom.

3 Smart Ways To Fix Your Blog Post Headline Right Now

Can you write a clickable headline?  write good headline

Would you take action today if I show you how to fix your blog post headline in simple and practical ways?
If you answered yes, then welcome. Writing catchy and reader-friendly headline is an art. I like revealing my secrets.
Really, it takes knowledge and experience to craft the right ones. Since I started blogging, I’ve looked into my headline writing as a study on its own.

Since When Are Blogs Not Social Media?

For some reason, people seem to be equating social media with social networking.

At the same time, they seem to be treating blogs as something other than social media.

I find this very strange indeed.

For example, here the author proclaims that he’s quitting social media and gives his reasons why. But he also states he’ll continue to produce content on his own blog, by god.

Πέμπτη 7 Ιουνίου 2012

10 Ways to Revitalize Your Blog

You know blogging is important, just like you know eating your vegetables is important. That doesn’t mean you’re going to do it.
Many marketers struggle with the idea of blogging. They understand the value of having fresh content and they understand how relevant posts can build followers, generate interest in the brand, and help their potential customers, but they still don’t do it.

So, what is it that’s stopping marketers from fully embracing their blogs? Creativity! It’s not easy to come up with things to write about on a regular basis. An effective blogger usually posts fresh content at least once a week, which means you need to create a minimum of four blogs a month. And that’s just a minimum.

Δευτέρα 4 Ιουνίου 2012

Boost Conversions Step 5: Reach All Your Audience Segments

Go ahead—ask anyone, whether it’s a small business owner, a solopreneur consultant, or someone who’s determined to hit it big with their hand-made crafts:
What action would you like people to take, as a result of visiting your website?

(Note: this question may or may not make you a hit at parties, so proceed with caution).

Chances are, they’re going to all serve up the same answer: they hope that people will either buy something or book an appointment.
People have designed their business websites with one aim in mind, and that’s to get people to buy stuff—queue the series of squeeze pages and pitches and sales funnels.

Σάββατο 2 Ιουνίου 2012

4 Health Tips for Professional Bloggers

While bloggers enjoy self-made schedules and creative freedom, they sometimes sacrifice personal health to maintain professional demands.

Sitting at home or at an office all day generates about as much motivation to hit the gym as a tipped-over Ben and Jerry’s truck.

Even though our blogging schedules are “flexible”, we still tend to be crunched for time and leave meals to fast-food restaurants and exercise to sitting and standing up.

Good news everyone! Motivational apps, virtual trainers, helpful and supportive online programs like Diet to go and BistroMD, and small changes to our daily lives can transform the old, sluggish blogger you into the new, energized blogger you.

Τετάρτη 30 Μαΐου 2012

5 of the Most Important Content & Social Media Tips For A Successful Business Blog

The tendency for corporate marketers and their agencies to chase shiny social objects seems to be manifesting as conflicting trends in the usefulness of social media for business. Companies that execute their social media marketing tactics poorly often conclude the channel doesn’t work. A good example is the “corporate blogging is dying” story which contrasts with a study that shows blogging is the second most effective B2B lead generation tactic.

I’ve always said that tools are only as good as the skills of the people using them and the moving target of social savvy customers along with a rapidly evolving social web make social media marketing skills acquisition a bit tricky. I think part of the answer to the distracted approach to social media marketing efforts like corporate blogging could be arrested by mastering these basics.

Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2012

5 Business Blog Post Content Ideas

The challenge of blogging for your business might not be understanding the benefits of a business blog nor finding the time to do it. Your hesitation to get started might come down to generating ideas for content for your business blog.
Below is a list of 5 business blog post content ideas.

Κυριακή 27 Μαΐου 2012

Why Blogs Are Excellent for Marketing and Advertising Your Business

Online marketing refers to all marketing activities that serve to promote advertising of a product or service, and are used through the Internet. The advantages are obvious: speed, flexibility and efficiency.

Search engine Marketing And Search Engine Optimization
In addition to paid advertising, search engine marketing (SEM), is mainly free, but time-consuming, measures for search engine optimization (SEO) is useful.

Selecting The Right Blogging Niche to Find Success

The success follows those who know the target point where they want to reach and also the path which will lead them to that. Same is for blogging, one can establish a successful blogging career only if they chooses the correct blogging niche. What can be a blogging niche? It is the area of expertise you have. Like if you are good at computer skills then your blog theme should be related to computer tips and tricks or anything related. If your business sells some beauty products then your blog niche should be beauty, fashion. It will be easy for you to provide good content on your blog. You will be confident of what you are talking about and can help your readers in their queries. Simple if you are sure of what you are selling then only you can convince others about it. All this will lead to build a successful blog. If you are not sure of your blog niche you will post anything on your blog which might not be liked by your readers and will affect your blog reader base.