Τρίτη 7 Αυγούστου 2012

Top 10 Time-Saving Blogging Tips for Busy Business Owners

Facebook expert Mari Smith recently reported on the results of her social media survey. It was no surprise to read that an overwhelming number of responders reported that time is their biggest marketing challenge.

In order to effectively attract clients with your business blog, you must publish new content consistently. For some, that may mean starting out with a monthly post and then gradually increasing. Others might be ready for a weekly blogging routine.

Whether you're starting a new blog or just trying to keep your blog going, how do you find the time to write?

Here are 10 concrete actions you can take to get your blogging done:

  1. Batch your tasks - Separating your different blog writing tasks will make the most efficient use of your time and energy, and you'll accomplish more in less time. For example, if you're feeling creative, do some brainstorming; if you're feeling tired, shop around for some stock photos. And don't stop with one post; use that same mindset to work ahead on the next few.
  2. Be purposeful on social media - As soon as you publish a new post and it's fresh in your mind, preschedule 3-4 updates to announce the post to your social networks. That way the broadcasting task of your social networking is done, and it won't get pushed aside or delayed if you get lost in the online conversation.
  3. Plan ahead - Have you ever zigzagged through the aisles of a grocery store because you didn't have a list? You'll also spend more time on your blogging if you don't have a plan. Your blogging plan may include laying out your blog categories, following a weekly blogging system or using a weekly/monthly blog planner.
  4. Blog on the go - Grab some blogging time while you're standing in line or waiting for an appointment. You may not be at your freshest creative time, but you can come back to polish later. Save and store your work online, either as a draft post in your blogging platform or in a system like Dropbox or Evernote.
  5. Maximize your brain power - Give your blog the best part of your day. You'll get more done faster because you're at the peak of your creativity.
  6. Share the work - Invite people with related expertise to submit a guest blog post, interview experts in your field, or ask your staff, vendors or customers to get involved. You may even want to buddy up with a group of like-minded businesses to create a team blog.
  7. Fire your inner critic - Refuse to spend another moment questioning or second-guessing your expertise or writing talent. Instead, ask for feedback from a trusted source who understands the perspective of your ideal client, or hire an editor. This will free you to write and then move on.
  8. Revise an old post - Did you know that this blog post started out as Five Ways to Find More Time for Content Marketing, published in July 2011? And there are other ways to start with existing content, such as paring down a longer piece or beefing up a shorter piece.
  9. Bring the news to you - If your blog antennae are feeling a little rusty or you're just not hearing anything you can use, have some backup sources you can quickly browse for relevant topics. Set up Google Alerts, an RSS reader or use a site like Alltop that pulls together the best content in one place. You can also search for specific terms in social media, and then bookmark the search for regular use.
  10. Use a variety of content - Not every post needs to be a 500-word feature article. Write shorter posts like reviews or roundups, put together a before and after video or record a quick audio tip. There are many types of blog post content that can be fun and quick to put together. Experiment until you find yours.

There is no secret shortcut to blogging success. It takes time, energy and attention to attract clients this way. Use today's tips to make the most of the time you have.

Linda Dessau

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