Σάββατο 2 Ιουνίου 2012

Three Social Media Myths Busted

As an active user of social media, small business owner and networker I am often asked “Why social media?” and “Is it right for my business?” Social media is a way to introduce people to your business that may not be right for every business. That is a decision best left up to you as business owner, your marketing team and social media consultant.

Here are three social media myths busted to help you make a more informed decision:

Myth #1 Social Media Equals Sales: It isn’t called SALES media for a good reason; it’s not about sales. It is about getting the word out about a business product or service. While the lines are blurring on Facebook with the birth of ads, the fact is that social media isn’t sales media. The role of social media is to create awareness for current clients and customers. The next step is to increase engagement and create a “buzz” for your unique product or service. Increased engagement leads to an increased following and greater potential for leads conversion.

Myth #2 Leads Convert on Social Media: If you have an incredible social media presence and a poor product or poor customer service the leads generated on social media will not convert. The fact is leads don’t convert on their own or on social media. Leads are converted to sales by the business. A poor call center or website that isn’t simple to navigate will detract leads from converting regardless of social media presence, product or service.

Myth #3 Social Media IS the Marketing Plan: While there are a lot of businesses who use social media as their sole means of marketing, the fact is they don’t have a marketing plan. Social media is part of an overall marketing plan to build a business. It isn’t a sole means to growing a business.


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