Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2012

Top 10 Ways Social Media Management Benefits Small Business

You’ve heard the claims, seen swarms of stories about the marketing potential made possible via social media marketing and perhaps have even gone so far as to set-up a social media presence…but somehow you are still sitting on the sidelines. If you are still confused about how and why a social media management firm can benefit your small business then keep reading. Today we are going to go beyond the basics and talk about the other reasons social media management makes sense.

1. Social Media is big…really big…and getting BIGGER! Don’t make the mistake of thinking that social media marketing has already reached its saturation point…it hasn’t. Yes, roughly 79% of adults in the United States already use at least one form of social media with a worldwide estimate of nearly 1.5 billion…but the growth explosion is far from over. In fact, many experts predict it has only just begin. Instead of adding more consumers, future growth is expected to come from duration or total time spent interacting via social media sites. In short, your clients are probably already using social media and will do so at a greater and greater rate in the future. A social media management firm keeps you connected with clients.

2. Social media may impact other organic search results. Every small business owner over the age of 25 has heard the common refrain that “content is king” so why waste money creating compelling content without maximizing visibility? Social media is increasingly used to rate and rank other forms of online content ranging from a website to blogs. Search engines – including Google- are now placing greater relevancy on sites that engage users in a more meaningful manner. A social media management firm is able to help identify and even generate great content to supplement or enhance organic search results.

3. Social media management means more control. Your online reputation matters more than ever especially as retail consumers connect via mobile devices; from online reviews to price-checking, make sure your products and services stand-out from the crowd. What better way to maximize your social presence than via active reputation management? It’s one more way a professional social media management firm is able to assist small business owners in creating the best possible presence online and off.

4. Social media maximizes client generated content. Not only does user generated content increase search rankings but it also influences purchasing decisions among their circle of family and friends. In fact, research has found that roughly 2/3 of young shoppers consulted a social network before making a buying decision and roughly the same number of total shoppers performed an online search. The trend is clear; user generated content including testimonials, reviews and other explanations counts for a considerable amount of influence in the minds of consumers.

5. Social media increases industry clout. For the moment, forget about your Klout score. In fact, forget about your clients for a moment. Social media still maintains a strong level of importance within the industry itself….whatever industry you happen to be engaged in. From future leaders to popular press sites, online job recruitment to news and information, every industry is involved in social media. By engaging in current professional affiliations, contributing to online events and remaining visibly involved in the industry, your small business takes on a more active appearance in the mind of peers and other professionals.

6.  Social media is being used by the competition. Like it or not, one of the best reasons to seek out a social media management firm is because your competition is upping the ante and capturing YOUR clients. Whether searching for a new and untapped market or hoping to build better relationships with existing clients, social media marketing is capturing a larger share of consumers than ever before. Small business owners that sit on the sidelines run the risk of missing out on meaningful market share simply because the competition captured the attention of clients first.

7. Social media expands overall reach. The nearly limitless possibility associated with exponential growth is what made social media the marketing darling it is today; there is simply no way to compare any other type of marketing medium to the ability to connect with the vast network of user friends and family. Consider this; assume you only reach 1 new client each month and that 1 client generates 1 additional client. That new client in turn generates 1 additional client. How many new clients would you have at the end of the year? Now multiply that by 10 or 100 new clients…exponential growth is a lot like compound interest…it may not look like a lot at first but becomes a tremendous force as it grows.

8. Social media tends to cost less. Finding new clients can be expensive especially when forced to pay printing, postage and other costs. Numerous studies indicate that social media marketing tends to cost less per new client – and substantially less for existing clients – than traditional methods including print, television and radio.

9. Social media is more timely. Once upon a time, it was considered quite ordinary for new information to take weeks or even months to filter into the general knowledge of the consumer. Scientific breakthroughs were routinely reported in magazines and journals (instead of books) due to the fast publication time! Today that has obviously changed. Now the pace of news and information is measured in hours or even minutes – it would be unthinkable to wait weeks or months to receive news and information. But is your marketing able to keep up with this changing tide? For those working with a social media management firm the answer is “YES”…advertisements and marketing campaigns can be created as soon as a hot trend is spotted leading to increased insight and active participation.

10. Social media makes new markets. Last but not least, social media is a market maker. While most small business owners focus on reaching out to existing clients or trying to target new customers for an existing product or service, social media marketing often allows growth into exciting new areas totally unanticipated just a few years ago. Social media began not as a business but rather a mode of communication between individuals and created a new business – the same phenomena is still at work as the power of the people transform technology innovations in new and exciting ways.


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