Τρίτη 8 Μαΐου 2012

Persuasive Sales Tactics: Story telling

persuasive sales tactics by story telling
It's a well know fact that story telling is one of the most pervasive sales tactics that we can use. Everyone loves to listen to a story, people love stories as they help to learn and remember whilst feeling entertained, relaxed and motivated.
Stories also provide sales people with a great method for teaching customers about their products, overcoming problems and offer a simple strategy for strengthening relationships. Sales leaders can also build highly nimble and very motivated sales cultures with story telling.
I've laid out 17 examples of how stories can fascinate and amaze your customers plus other instances where sales leaders can motivate through persuasive story telling:

1. What does it take to succeed in sales? Tell a story about how you developed each of those skills, and the first time you used each successfully. 
2. Ever wondered how those failures you experienced can be used as motivational stories? Tell a story how you learned from a failure and how it impacted your ability to improve.
3. Have you sold in a recession before? Most sales people nowadays can't remember or weren't born in the last recession. Use those learned resources about selling in a downturn and how to survive and thrive.
4. You can liven up your sales meetings about old war stories about how you beat the competition against all odds or what lessons can be learned from losing big deals. During a tough period, sellers need someone to look to for answers and inspiration, this is a big leadership opportunity!
5. Remind those poor performers that great sales people aren't born, they are made. Telling stories about how top class sales people can be developed is highly motivating for those who cannot seem to get out of the traps.
6. Sales people can use product demonstrations, presentations and initial customer meetings as an ideal opportunity to tell well crafted stories about other customer circumstances that are relevant and interesting.
7. Was there ever a time when you performed an extraordinary act to serve a customer? Prospects who are suffering from poor service would love to hear your stories about going beyond the call of duty to serve.
8. Tell a dramatic story about the pivotal moment in your company's evolution that made it the organisation that it is today.
9. Company's who develop or manufacture their own products should have a story about how they developed their top products in their presentation arsenal. Using material about lessons learned with products that failed will also get you plenty of mileage.
10. Does your company have a unique character or a genius amongst its ranks? Telling stories about those unique talents will always amaze even the toughest of prospects.
11. Sellers should always tell stories about how they exemplify high standards and values.
12. How does your unique culture fit well with your prospects? Tell them how by weaving in those unique features into your presentation.
13. Customers always hear statements from sales people about how they serve and go all out to satisfy, well now you can really make an impact by telling them how you achieved the impossible for your customers through the implication of a great story.
14. If you can offer amazing price savings that the customer finds hard to believe, then use this chance to tell the full story about how your senior executives went all out to offer the best pricing ever because they want serious buyers to take this one last chance to invest.
15. Has any of the senior executives in your company achieved anything of note such as an industry recognition award or something more glamorous that makes them stand out as a true authority? If so. you know what to do, don't you?
16. Want to stand out as someone who wants to be seen as highly professional and means business? Tell your prospects a story about those customers you had to let go because you could no longer afford to service them. Set a precedent from the very start.
17. In one of my sales podcasts you can hear me tell a story about how a sales coaching customer wanted to employ a 45 year old man with a long list of previous convictions and zero sales experience because they were so blown away by his candid honesty at the interview, only to find out days later that he opted to work for their competitor instead. This is one example about how extraordinary events takes us all by surprise and how we can never accept anything at face value.
There you have it! A fine list of story telling material that just about covers any circumstance and topic.
If you are interested in learning more about advanced sales techniques such as story telling, then you'll have a chance to join me for some public workshops in the London, Manchester, Dublin, Belfast, Faro and Kuala Lumpur during July and September. Final dates are yet to be announced but will be posted in the news section of this site shortly. Subscribers to my mail lists will get those dates first.

Posted by sean patrick

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