Τρίτη 29 Μαΐου 2012

The Importance of Service in Sales

Find new customers costs, in time, effort and money, 10 times as much as selling to a recurring customer, your goal should be to create as many recurring customers as you can.

Getting an overview of your customers
If you are going to create more high value customers it is important that you learn how your pipeline looks today, how many recurring customers do you have? How much do they buy? What are they worth to you? What industries are they in? Who are your contacts within the companies? Is there any more or different products you would like to sell to your customers?

By learning as much as you can about the customers you already are working with you will find a lot of potential upsells and you will start to define your ideal customer.

In my work I have about 40 different products I can sell to customers, my concern is not therefore what type of customer I am talking to, more important is how much time and effort will they take to handle vs. how much can I expect to sell to them every 12 months.

My goal is to find customers needing 4-6 meetings/year and worth at least 30 000 dollars/year in sales.

Since I know exactly what the customers I work with today buy, I know what future customers might be interested in. When I find a potential lead I do a calculation, what needs will they have, what will I recommend and what will they be worth? From that I decide if I am going to work with them or if I should hand them off to a colleague.

Creating a path for them to follow
As I mentioned my goal is to build a customer to a value of at least 30 000 dollars/year and setting up systems so that we only meet once every 2-3 months to follow up on their results and tweak what they are doing to further increase their output.

This is the goal I have for each customer; after I start working with them and have made a good needs analysis with my customers I make a plan for what products I want them to have, in what order I will recommend them and what we will be charging for each.

Then I move them one step at a time towards the goal.

Living off of happy customers
What is important is that you take care of your customers and set up systems so that you have a clear idea of what you want to do with and for each of your customers.
If you do this and keep improving your systems you will not need to call on new customers ever again, you could if you wish, but only because you want to further increase your sales, not because you have to.


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