Τετάρτη 18 Απριλίου 2012

5 Tips To Improve Sales Copy Now

Sales copy is something that every blogger needs to get better at, whether you think so or not it is true. I say this because at some point you will need to use it and you want to be able to use it effectively. For example, if you want to sell people on signing up for a free eBook, then you will need to know what effective sales copy is and how you can use it.
Most people think that sales copy is only for selling eBooks, affiliate products and things like that, however, it can be utilized in blog posts as well. Do you want to get more people to follow you on Twitter or Facebook, if so, then using sales copy to sell people on connecting with you is a must.

Sales copy is used in many different ways and for lots of different reasons. Am I saying that you need to learn more about sales copy, no, but it wouldn’t hurt if you did. As a blogger, it should be your goal to be the best that you can be and I am going to share with you some tips that will help you do just that.

Improve Your Sales Copy Now

Don’t Promise The World

One tip that I have for you is to never promise the world and then under-deliver. This is what so many people do and it won’t last long for you. It will only take one upset person to tell others that you are promising something that you are not actually giving. Do yourself a favor and tell people exactly what you are selling them on, this way everybody is happy in the end.

Give Proof
One way to improve your sales copy is to provide proof. Whether you are trying to sell somebody on how many people are signing up for your eBook or why a coarse you are selling really works, giving proof to it will greatly affect you sales copy. Just know that a little bit of proof can go a long way, especially if the readers is new to your blog because you have not built that trust level up just yet.

Solve A Problem
A great way to improve your sales copy is to solve a problem. Most people think they can write sales copy with selling in mind, however, people buy/signup for things to solve some type of problem. If you want to ensure that your sales copy works, then solving a problem is the best way to go about doing it.

Write With Humans In Mind Not SEO
I don’t know how many people do this, but you should never write for SEO and not humans. A lot of people focus on getting ranked high on Google and because of that they focus more on using keywords and the right keyword density without even thinking about what actual humans want to read. Don’t write for SEO purposes only, concentrate more on humans reading your content.

Don’t Hard Sell
The last thing is very simple, never hard sell. When you try to hard sell the only thing that happens is that you will drive readers away. Nobody wants to feel like they are buying a used car, so don’t sell to them that way.
Sales copy is very important but if you don’t know how to do it effectively, then it is a waste of time. Go ahead and try some of these things to improve your sales copy and let me know how they work out for you. I know for myself that these have help out quite a bit.


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