Σάββατο 4 Μαΐου 2013

How To Use Your Content As A Marketing Magnet!

Content Marketing is all about creating content that your audiences will find useful, helpful, educational or entertaining. Hopefully you can achieve all of those things in one shot.

I *think* it goes without saying that each piece of content you create — whether it’s an article, an ebook, or a checklist — should have some sort of quantifiable goal. That’s where the “marketing magnet” comes in. Many times the marketing magnet is used to grow marketing or email lists.

And even if you think you don’t know what a marketing magnet is, I bet you do. In fact, you probably eye these prime pieces of content on a daily basis on some of your favorite Facebook pages, blogs or websites. 

What’s a Marketing Magnet?

A marketing magnet is any piece of content used to garner/gather information from the consumer. Hubspot might be considered the King of marketing magnets [check out their slew of "marketing magnets" here]. They produce several eBooks a month that are free to download … that is, as long as you’re willing to share your contact information.

See how clever that is? The “free” piece of content (eBook) is used to obtain your contact info, which is then added to Hubspot’s marketing list. By giving your info you are allowing them to market to you by email, phone, or both.

It’s no secret that many prospects have turned into leads and then customers with their fine-tuned and savvy content marketing methods.

Examples of Marketing Magnets

Nearly anything, as long as it has PERCEIVED VALUE to/for your audience, can become a marketing magnet. Here are a few examples:

    Case Studies
    Cheat Sheets
    Slideshare Presentations

Now, some things listed above, like an infographic, will be harder to peddle for the “cost” of someone’s information. We’ve been conditioned to get these for free. However, you can still attach a quantifiable goal to your infographic – like 25 repins on Pinterest (which may then lead to 100 unique website visitors).

But I digress …

Crawl Before You Walk

My advice is to start small. Your best bet is to take what you have and create something that will easily convert lookers to prospects (and then leads!).

Try a checklist of 100 of your favorite tools, or a cheat sheet for getting more leads through Facebook. The best part is, if you’re pretty savvy with PowerPoint, you can create something like the two examples I just mentioned with no expenditure except your time and expertise.

Just be ABSOLUTELY, 100% sure that your audience will care about, value and want what you’re “selling.” It’s a good idea to do a little research and find out what their common pain points are first.

What a concept! Asking what people want and then actually GIVING them that! Lots of people think or say they do this, but then don’t do their homework before putting out new products and services.

So, what will you go out and create?! I’m excited to hear about your plans; be sure to let me know what they are, or how your current marketing magnets are working out for you.

Brooke Ballard
Founder, Chief Social Strategist at B Squared Media, LLC

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